Societas Raffaello Sanzio.
16-19 Nov 2004. In BR.#04 Bruxelles/Brussel the IVth Episode of Tragedia Endogonidia, directed by Romeo Castellucci. The Tragedia Endogonidia is a constantly evolving dramatic system. Each stage of its transformation is called an "episode" and is connected to a city from which its name derives. The term "Endogonidia" refers to those single-celled living organisms that carry masculine as well as feminine gonads inside them, enabling them to reproduce endlessly thus realising the principle of immortality. "Tragedia", on the other hand, presupposes the end of the hero. All the episodes bring up recurring figures and concepts that drift towards other worlds and towards the future.
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Societas Raffaello Sanzio.
Auditorium-Parco della Musica, Via P. de Coubertin 30. For booking and information tel. 800795525 or
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