Stars of the Moscow Circus on Ice.
20 Nov 2004-9 Jan 2005. If you are in Paris over the Christmas period you can join the Moscow Circus on ice in celebrating its 40th anniversary. Sergey Ryshkoffs troupe of 55 performs magnificent feats on a huge ice rink under a big top that can cater for 5,500 people. The show is a combination of traditional circus acts and technical figure skating following in the modern tradition of having no animals (almost, there are skating bears). The company calls itself a company of soloists, each performer bringing a specific expertise either as a skater or a gymnast.
The skaters fly through hoops, juggle, walk on stilts, perform illusions and fly the trapeze amongst many other stunts. The Moscow Circus on Ice was founded in the 1960s by Arnold Gregoryevich Arnold who was one of the great directors of the Soviet Union.
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Stars of the Moscow Circus on Ice.
Pelouse de Reuilly, Bois de Vincennes, Paris.