Tastings of Terni at Palazzo Rospigliosi.
On 21 and 22 October it will be possible to taste and smell the flavours and scents of the province of Terni at the Palazzo Pallavicini Rospigliosi in Rome. The province is offering a selection of gastronomic specialities of the area, including olive oil, wines, preserved meats, cheeses and bread, mineral waters and pulses such as lentils and cicerchie. There will be also suggested tourist itineraries for the area and a range of typical artisan products.
Entry is free. Opening hours: 16.00 21.00 on 21 and 22 October 2006.
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Tastings of Terni at Palazzo Rospigliosi.
Palazzo Pallavicini Rospigliosi,Via XXIV Maggio 43, Roma.
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