6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
Marymount - International School Rome

Teatro dell’Opera chamber concert

In this concert, which is part of the Teatro dell'Opera's chamber music season, Carlo Donadio conducts Arvo Part’s Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten, Edward Grieg’s Holberg Suite, and the world premiere of a work commissioned by the Rome Opera Theatre of composer Francesco Giammusso entitled Romanza per violoncello ed orchestra d’archi. The young, Rome-born Giammusso is increasingly receiving commissions for new works from public and private music associations as well as being featured in music festivals and concert programmes. His attention to social and ecumenical themes, to religious freedom and to human rights emerges strongly in many of his works. His acclaimed Elergy for Peace includes a collage of fragments of Christian, Buddhist, Hebrew, Hindu and Islamic prayers and, just as in many of his other compositions, its performance is enriched by video-projections. Ennio Morricone has described Giammusso’s music as “well written, without compromises or short-cuts it reaches immediately out to the heart and to the mind”. Sala Accademica del Conservatorio di S. Cecilia, Via dei Greci 18. For booking and information tel. 0648701, www.operaroma.it.


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