10-11 March 2012. Ulisse, Chi era Costui? (Ulysses, who was he?) for children aged six to 12. On one hand, the multi-faceted character of Ulysses is represented as a legendary hero and demigod, accompanied throughout his journey by figures from Greek mythology. On the other hand, Ulysses is impersonated as a modern man of exceptional courage and wit, extraordinary practical sense, great curiosity and incredible genius. 16.30.
17-18 March. Il Giro del Mondo in 80 Giorni e altre Storie (Around the World in 80 Days and other stories) for kids aged six to 12. Three unusual protagonists tell their funny stories as a tribute to the power of books. In an era when young people are bombarded with advertising messages, books become the only effective means to amuse and stimulate kids, causing them to reflect and grow as people.
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Teatro Mongiovino, Via Giovanni Genocchi 15, tel. 0687189984, www.accettellateatro.it. 16.30.
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