Until 8 March 2012. La Bella Addormentata (Sleeping Beauty) for kids aged three to ten.
9-13 Mar. Cenerentola (Cinderella and the Glass Slipper) for children aged four to ten. This is a story of dreams, magic and courage for kids, adults and anyone, who wants to be enchanted by a timeless story made of humorous actors, puppets, music and songs.
18-24 Mar. Il Paese dei Colori (The Country of Colours) for kids aged four to ten. It tells the story of five different countries, each one ruled by a king and by a colour. In the white kingdom everything is always in order, in the red kingdom the inhabitants are always in high spirits, the black one is ruled by fear, the blue by prudence and the yellow by something unknown. These five countries are separated by high walls which stop people from seeing what happens in the other realms.
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Teatro Verde. Circonvallazione Gianicolense 10, tel. 06 5882034, www.teatroverde.it.
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