Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
6 Nations 2025

The Black Pinocchio show.

The Globe theatre in Villa Borghese will be staging Pinocchio Nero, a theatrical-dance performance, written and directed by Marco Baliani on Thursday 2 and Friday 3 September at 21.30.

The performing theatrical group has a cast of twenty rehabilitated street children from Nairobi, Kenya, organised under the African Medical and Research Foundation Italy (AMREF) Acting from the street project.

These youngsters will present a performance similar to the Pinocchio fairytale showing their metamorphosis from the harsh conditions on the streets of Nairobi into dignified human beings with a name and an identity. The show is promoted by Teatro delle Briciole, Teatro Stabile di Innovazione and the Circuito Teatrale Regionale Siciliano, with the patronage of the cities of Rome and Palermo. A similar performance will be held on Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 September at 21.00 in Palermo at the church of S. Maria dello Spasimo. Proceeds from the shows will be donated to the "Acting from the street" project.

The performance will be in English. Admission 12, Discounted group rate 8 per person

For more information tel. 0645438800, fax 0636007784,

General Info

Address The Globe theatre in Villa Borghese.

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The Black Pinocchio show.

The Globe theatre in Villa Borghese.

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Smiling tech H3 - 320x480
RCC 1400x360