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Marymount - International School Rome
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17-22 May. The characters in Dopo Pasolini mull over what remains in our lives today of Pier Paolo Pasolini, the intellectual, the poet, the man. Paola and Stefano live in the countryside where their lives are divided be...
19-24 April. This 1897 four-act comedy of errors by George Bernard Shaw is a witty and unpredictable play revolving around several confused identities. Returning to England from an extended stay abroad, Mrs Clandon's...
Marymount - International School Rome
9 April. The English Theatre of Rome celebrates its 20th anniversary with a 16th-century supper in homage to "the Bard, Hamlet and longevity" at Teatro Arciliuto on Saturday 9 April, from 22.00 onwards. Partygoers can...
31 March-10 April. On the 400th anniversary of the death of Shakespeare, the English Theatre of Rome presents Hamlet, one of the Bard’s best loved plays, in a fresh re-imagination directed by Douglas Dean and produced by...
9-14 March. Teatro India stages a production of Il vantone by Pier Paolo Pasolini, a Romanesco translation of Miles gloriosus, a comedy in five acts by Plautus. Directed by Federico Vigorito, with Ninetto Davoli and Edoa...
3-13 March. Some of the most significant and best known lines from the complete works of William Shakespeare are delivered in just 90 minutes. The action-packed production takes place on the 400th anniversary of the...
15-17 Feb. Outspoken art critic Vittorio Sgarbi leads the audience through the life and revolutionary paintings of Caravaggio, in a play featuring the artist's best known works set to the music of Valentino Corvino. Dire...
2-7 Feb. The Rome Savoyards and Plays in Rome stage a production of this Shakespearian pastoral comedy, 400 years after the death of The Bard. Thought to have been penned in 1599, the play follows Rosalind and her co...
9-14 Feb. Teatro India stages a production of the Henrik Ibsen classic A Doll's House which examines the relationship between men and women, power, possession, eroticism and money. Adapted by Emanuela Giordano, the play...
20 Jan-1 Feb. The Teatro Sistina celebrates the 21st anniversary of the Italian version of the famous rock opera. This production features Ted Neeley who starred in the 1973 film version by Norman Jewison, with live...
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Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Marymount - International School Rome
10 Dec-10 Jan. Musical written by Bill and Cheri Steinkellner, with 25 songs by Alan Menken, based on the hit 1992 film comedy starring Whoopi Goldberg. This Italian-language version is directed by Saverio Marconi. Tues-...
8-20 Dec. Teatro India continues its series of modern versions of Shakespeare’s classics with Edward Bond's reworking of Lear (8-20 Dec) adapted and directed by Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli. This is followed by Enzo Cosimi's...
5 Dec. Ahead of the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, the English Theatre of Rome is preparing to stage a production of Hamlet, under the direction of Douglas Dean. The production will be perform...
1 Dec. The Institute for Creative Writing and Literary Translation at Rome's John Cabot University presents 10 mg by Maria Teresa Berardelli on 1 December at 19.00. Rome’s leading English-language actors will be joine...
Contemporary British theatre in Italian. 12 Nov-11 Dec. The 14th edition of Trend: New frontiers of the British scene takes place at Teatro Belli in Trastevere until 11 December. The festival of British drama provi...
4-8 Nov. The Rome Savoyards and Plays in Rome present Dogg's Hamlet, Cahoot’s Macbeth by Tom Stoppard, two plays written to be performed together, directed by Sandra Provost. In Dogg's Hamlet actors speak a language...
6-7 Nov. Moulin Rouge – The Ballet, a production seen by over 100,000 people across North America, comes to Teatro Brancaccio. Featuring a rousing French soundtrack and high-kicking choreography, the ballet is a passi...
23 Oct-1 Nov. As part of John Cabot University’s annual Italy Reads programme, the English Theatre of Rome stages Lydia Diamond's adaptation of The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, Pulitzer and Nobel Prize Winner. Morris...
19 Oct-3 Nov. Teatro India continues its new season with Il Grande Male (19-21 Oct) a show dedicated to the centenary of the Armenian genocide, written and directed by Sargis Galstyan. Set in Berlin in 1921, the story fo...
18 Oct. The English Theatre of Rome presents a "lewd and loving tribute" to the late American comedian Joan Rivers on Sunday 18 October, at 17.00 and 20.00. The production, by and with Holly Faris, is a one-woman show...
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