Time Zones: Recent film and Video.
6 Oct-2 Jan 2005. Time Zones is the first major exhibition at Tate Modern devoted exclusively to film and video. It brings together works by ten international artists, made in locations as various as Turkey, Albania, Japan, Indonesia, Mexico, China, Israel, Thailand, and Germany. Nature as a cyclical measure of time is explored in films by Francis Als, Anri Sala and Fiona Tan. Bojan Sarcevic measures time through the pace of his stride as he strolls through the back streets of Bangkok. Fikret Atay and Yang Fudong highlight the co-existence of ancient traditions alongside contemporary ways of life, resulting in the cultural discord that comes with rapid social change. For Yael Bartana filming in Israel, and Jeroen de Rijke and Willem de Rooij in Indonesia, years of political history are condensed within a single scene.
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Time Zones: Recent film and Video.
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