Two for a Girl.
25 Oct-27 Nov 2004. Skipalongs new show Two for a Girl, showing at Bewley's Cafe Theatre, was a big hit at the recent Dublin Fringe Festival, which tells the story of the ill-fated love affair between a young traveller woman and a married farmer in Co. Tipperary in the 1940s. The story centres on the later adopted lovechild of the two who only discovers her real mothers identity in her teens and embarks on an emotional search for resolution as a final gesture of farewell. Two for a Girl is an irresistible story, full of passion and humour, taking the audience across three decades and to every corner of Ireland, from the smell of a camp fire to the open air dances of the 1950s. Two for a Girl was nominated for the Jane Snow Award in this years Fringe Festival.
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Two for a Girl.
Bewley's Cafe Theatre, More information, tel. +353-868784001.
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