World Press Photo.
1-14 June 2005. Berlins Bahnhof Friedrichstrasse welcomes the renowned World Press Photo exhibition during the first two weeks of June, highlighting the worlds top news photography from 2004. World Press Photo is an annual competition that awards a prize for the worlds top photos. The prestigious award is followed by an eagerly anticipated exhibition, which shows throughout the world. Works by the winners and runners-up visit more than 40 countries and some 70 galleries worldwide and are published in the World Press Photo Yearbook. This years premier award was won by Indian photographer Arko Datta for his picture of a woman mourning the death of a relative who was killed in the Asian tsunami catastrophe. Admission is free.
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World Press Photo.
Bahnhof Friedrichstrasse, Friedrichstrasse, Berlin 10117. Opening Tuesdays to Sundays from 12.00 to 18.00. Tel. +31-206766096. Email: Photo Reuters 2004.