Centrally located near the Spanish steps, the Anglo American Bookshop carries exclusively books in English, but upon request can order books in other languages.
The S. Susanna Lending Library offers memberships for 3-month, 6-month or yearly periods and provides a wide selection of quality books in all genres. It also offers a quarterly used book sale.
With its origins dating back to 1577, the prestigious Accademia Nazionale di S. Luca is home to thousands of ancient books on art.
Entry to the libraries is free but there are strict rules of access. For more details...
The library of art and archaeology is the largest of its kind in the world, and contains many works in English.
Visitors must be over 19 (or 18 if already enrolled in a university) and ID is required.
See website f...
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei is the oldest scientific academy in the world and its library includes works in subjects including architecture, mathematics, philosophy, geography and ancient and modern literature.
This prestigious shop is focused on travelling and offers guidebooks for all around the world, as well as travel maps, literature, journals, history and cookbooks (only some in English).
This 10-day summer institute and professional development course focuses on lessons learned, future directions, and advanced conversations on health and risk communication related...
International Acadamy Lab Rome is seeking freelance, mothertongue English teachers for Adult in Person and online lessons. Information or interest: Send CV to info@ialroma.com
Seeking teachers with at least one year of classroom experience preparing students for the following IGCSE Maths
Candidates would ideally have a degree and/or A-levels in the rele...