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Centro Velico Caprera

Centro Velico Caprera was founded in 1967 by the  Milan Section of Lega Navale Italiana and the Italian Touring Club’s initiative, with the Italian Navy’s support who garanteed the land. The two members were then joined by Associazione Allievi in 1975.

Our logo comes from the three letter flags of the International Code of Signals CVC, Charlie-Victor-Charlie.

caprera2 During almost 50 years since its foundation, the school hosted 100,000 men and women of all ages. Therefore the CVC has achieved a massive operation of sail-and-sea approach: Today The Centro Velico Caprera is a place where you can learn, improve your sailing skills and train yourself in sea safety, followed by instructors able to transmit passion and enthusiasm for the CVC. The CVC is also the place where you feel a unique emotional experience, thanks to its extraordinary location and to the passion and skills of the largest Italian instructors’ team.
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Centro Velico Caprera

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