Greenwood Garden School
Greenwood Garden School was started in 1974 by Donna Seibert and Alfredo Ricci and has been in operation for almost forty years.
We are an international pre-school and kindergarten for children aging from 2-6 with teaching being done in English by mother-tongue educators experienced with young children.
The Greenwood Garden program bases its philosophy on the concept that each child is special.
They learn through play, and learning centers provide opportunities to explore and discover the world while allowing the child freedom of choice.
The program offers hands-on experiences which stimulate the child’s interest. Pre-academic concepts and skills are also part of the learning process and the children are divided into four “readiness” classes which provide activities at the appropriate levels:
2-3 year olds > Nursery
3-4 year olds > Early Learning
4-5 year olds > Pre-Kindergarten
5-6 year olds > Kindergarten
Our desire is to create a loving and secure “first step” environment for the young child attending school for the first time. We foster a school which emphasizes love and concern and where children are taught values and respect for others.
Mission Statement
We at Greenwood Garden School strive to prepare the young international child with a strong foundation in English and to provide comprehensive educational experiences which help to develop the whole child in a warm, supportive environment.
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Greenwood Garden School
Via Vito Sinisi, 5, 00189 Roma RM, Italy